Founded by healthcare attorneys with 70 + years of Combined Experience

Developed by health care professionals for health care professionals

A provider-focused approach to exclusion screening. Supporting your Federal and State screening obligations in a simple, reliable and cost-effective way.

Comprehensive Exclusion Screening Solutions.


Exclusion Screening Services

Compliance Hotline

Debarment and Sanction Screening

Preclusion Screening

Vendor Screening

Penalties for Failure to Screen

An extensive clientele


Our Founders

Paul Weidenfeld & Robert W. Liles

Exclusion Screening, LLCTM was founded by Robert Liles and Paul Weidenfeld. As prominent health care attorneys and former National Health Care Fraud Coordinators with the Department of Justice who understand both the needs and concerns of providers as well as the importance of compliance.  With this in mind, Robert and Paul were determined to offer providers a simple, low-cost solution that would allow them to fulfill their Federal and State exclusion screening obligations.  Exclusion Screening meets this expectation by screening and verifying the exclusion status of all employees, vendors and contractors on every Federal and State exclusion list every month.

Paul Weidenfeld

Robert W. Liles

Featured Articles

A Provider's Guide to OIG Exclusions
A Provider’s Guide to OIG Exclusions: Federal Exclusion Regulations and Enforcement Authorities, and How Providers Can Avoid Risk with Proper Exclusion Screening This article is an updated version of...
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How the LEIE, GSA/SAM, and State Exclusion Lists Differ; And Why They Need to be Screened
Exclusions and debarments are powerful administrative sanctions imposed by Federal and State agencies. They are intended to protect their programs and the beneficiaries they serve by barring the participation...
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Summary of Alabama Medicaid Exclusion and Sanction Screening Requirements
Alabama’s Medicaid Program will not pay for any item or service furnished by, or at the medical direction of, an excluded party. To enforce this payment prohibition, it imposes exclusion and sanction screening...
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Resolving Exclusion Violations through the OIG Self-Disclosure Protocol
I. Introduction The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has the authority to exclude providers from participating in federal health care programs[i] and to impose civil money penalties (CMPs) for breaches...
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