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Summary of Alabama Medicaid Exclusion and Sanction Screening Requirements

Alabama’s Medicaid Program will not pay for any item or service furnished by, or at the medical direction of, an excluded party. To enforce this payment prohibition, it...

April 26, 2024

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Provider's Guides

Pennsylvania Medicheck Preclusion List: A Provider’s Guide to Screening
The Pennsylvania Precluded Provider List, commonly referred to as “Pennsylvania Medicheck,” identifies...
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A Provider’s Guide to the GSA SAM Database.
The importance of screening employees, vendors and contractors against available federal and State exclusion...
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A Provider's Guide to OIG Exclusions
A Provider’s Guide to OIG Exclusions: Federal Exclusion Regulations and Enforcement Authorities, and...
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Summaries of State Medicaid Exclusions and Sanction Screening Requirements

Alabama Medicaid providers must screen against Alabama’s Exclusion List, the LEIE, and the GSA’s SAM database.
Summary of Alabama Medicaid Exclusion and Sanction Screening Requirements
Alabama’s Medicaid Program will not pay for any item or service furnished by, or at the medical direction...
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