Paul Weidenfeld

Summary of Alabama Medicaid Exclusion and Sanction Screening Requirements

Alabama’s Medicaid Program will not pay for any item or service furnished by, or at the medical direction of, an excluded party. To enforce this payment prohibition, it imposes exclusion and sanction screening requirements on providers, and those that fail to fulfill their screening obligations, risk the imposition of overpayments and civil money penalties. This short question and answer summary will help providers understand and comply Alabama’s exclusion and sanction screening rules and regulations.

Current States With a Separate Medicaid Exclusion List

Map of the States with a Separate Medicaid Exclusion List Click on your state to view their Medicaid exclusion list….

California Exclusion List Screening Requirements

What are the California Exclusion List Screening requirements?  The Medi-Cal Program will not pay for any item or service furnished…

Pennsylvania Medicheck Preclusion List: A Provider’s Guide to Screening

The Pennsylvania Precluded Provider List, commonly referred to as “Pennsylvania Medicheck,” identifies individuals and entities who have been excluded from…

How the LEIE, GSA/SAM, and State Exclusion Lists Differ; And Why They Need to be Screened

Exclusions and debarments are powerful administrative sanctions imposed by Federal and State agencies. They are intended to protect their programs…

A Provider’s Guide to OIG Exclusions

A Provider’s Guide to OIG Exclusions: Federal Exclusion Regulations and Enforcement Authorities, and How Providers Can Avoid Risk with Proper Exclusion…

What is an OIG Exclusion?

OIG Exclusions are powerful enforcement sanctions that bar an individual or entity from any participation in Federal and State health…

Why Should We Screen Against the Social Security Administration Death Master File?

At Exclusion Screening, we often receive questions about the scope and frequency of an organization’s screening duties and responsibilities. One…

Resolving Exclusion Violations through the OIG Self-Disclosure Protocol

I. Introduction The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has the authority to exclude providers from participating in federal health care…

Which Federal & State Exclusion Lists Should Be Screened?

The complex web of regulation encompassing government health care dollars is a lot to take on. With 41 state exclusion…